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Policies and Discipline Information

Policies and Discipline Information

McKinney-Vento (Homeless)

Physical Restraint, Timeout, and Isolated Time Out Progress Report and Reduction Plan

Some children in the Cook County School District will meet the criteria for homelessness. These children are children who have experienced long-term instability in housing that is not regular. If you feel your child falls into this category, please contact your local school or the district’s Pupil Personnel Office.

Erin’s Law: Sexual Abuse Prevention

In compliance with the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE), instruction on child sexual abuse information and prevention (Erin’s Law) is covered in grades Pre-K to 8. More information can be found at  Due to the sensitive nature of the topic, each grade uses appropriate materials in order for students to best comprehend the subject matter.

In accordance with the Illinois State Board of Education's (ISBE) code, if you object to this topic being taught to your son or daughter, you must submit a written objection to your child’s principal by September 10 to exempt your child from the lesson(s) covered in this topic.

Ann Marie’s Law

Suicide is the second-leading cause of death for youth between the ages of 10 and 24. According to 2017 Illinois Youth Risk Behavior Survey results (Illinois statewide summary tables), 17.2 percent of Illinois high school students had seriously considered attempting suicide during the past 12 months prior to taking the survey (spring of 2017), and 10 percent attempted suicide one or more times during the previous 12 months.

Ann Marie’s Law, enacted in 2015 following the death of Ann Marie Blaha in 2013, and was created to provide suicide awareness and prevention to Illinois school students and school staff. The law, Public Act 99-0443, required ISBE to:

  1. Develop a model suicide prevention policy, and
  2. Compile, develop, and post recommended guidelines, resources, and educational materials on youth suicide prevention and awareness.

In order to meet the requirements of this law, Cook County School District 130 provides lessons to all teachers and staff on signs of suicide.

HB 3586

HB 3586 is legislation that states that all Illinois public school districts will have to adhere to additional requirements related to the provision of special education. Cook County School District 130 will be in compliance with this legislation. Based on these changes, Cook County School District 130 will:

  • Ensure that related service logs are available at the student’s annual review or upon the request of the parent or guardian.
  • Ensure that a draft of all reports to be discussed at a child’s IEP will be made available three days prior to the child’s IEP.

Parent Letters



The Cook County School District 130 Discipline Policy is reviewed annually. A copy of the discipline policy can be found in the District Parent-Student Handbook.